My father, Michael Avallone, was a novelist. He wrote around 200 published novels,
but his crowning achievement was the ED NOON series.
Noon is a hard-boiled New York City private eye in the Phillip Marlowe mode.
Funny, tough, obsessed with movies and the Mets, a White Knight in a battered porkpie.
He starts out as a low rent gumshoe in 1953... and by the 60s he’s been
recruited by the President of the United States as a Private Spy.
For many years, the Ed Noon series has been out of print... but starting in 2012,
I partnered with Story Merchant Books to roll out the novels on as ebooks, including never-before-published adventures.
So here’s your one-stop links page for all things Ed Noon.
THE BOOKS: On Amazon Kindle, but you can
read them on iPads, phones, computers, etc.
THE HISTORY: An essay on the Ed Noon saga, and the
many forms it took over the years.
THE TWITTER: Quotes from the books, and
occasional commentary on the world of today.
THE BLOG: Ed Noon covers, news, ephemera.
THE FACEBOOK: Ed Noon is a good friend to have.